Aftercare for Eyelash Extensions

Keep your lash extensions looking gorgeous with just a little extra love!
Lash cleanser must be used to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of your lashes
It is important to wash and rinse your lashes daily, using your fingertip or lash cleansing brush provided with your cleanser
If you are a daily makeup wearer, makeup must be removed from the eyelids daily
Brush your lashes throughout the day!
Use only oil-free products on and around your eyes. Be careful of heavy or oily eye creams and serums at night
NEVER use mascara. If wearing eyeliner, use only water based liner and it must be removed nightly
NEVER use an eyelash curler
Avoid pulling extensions or rubbing eyes
Remember, your lifestyle and activities, everyday makeup wear, exercising, hot yoga, or saunas will be a factor in lash retention.
You must come to your touch up appointment with clean lashes!
Aftercare for Lash Lifts
​Lash lifts are great for their low maintenance, but the first 24 hours need some care!
Be gentle with your lashes; no rubbing
Do not get your lashes wet for the first 24 hrs
No eye makeup for 24 hours
Use of Sauna/Steam should be avoided for 48hrs because it may weaken the effect of the lift
Avoid waterproof mascara’s
Nourish your lashes 3 times a week to keep them hydrated, an eyelash serum or coconut oil are suitable for this.

Aftercare for Nanobrows

Important aftercare instructions to follow:
Using a Q-Tip and the aftercare MicroTonic, apply the tonic on your fresh Brows lightly to hydrate and soothe every hour for the first 6 hours
After the initial 6 hours, apply a small amount of MicroBalm on a Q-tip (rice grain amount) and glide lightly over the brows in the direction of the hair growth. This is the last thing you do on the day you got your treatment and continue this for the next 5-7 days
Gently wash the tattooed area daily in the morning and at night, avoid oils, charcoals, acids, fragrance, and micellar waters
DO NOT PICK at any possible scabbing or flaking. You will pull out the ink prematurely
No makeup should be applied to brows until they are done flaking
UVA/UVB exposure will pose risk or discolouration. When brows are done flaking, apply SPF daily
Please reach out to us if you have any additional questions!
Aftercare for TinyTatoos
Ensure the best result and reduce the risk of infection by protecting your fresh tattoo.
Leave the tegaderm on for 3-7 days; the longer it's on, the better
No direct sunlight while the tattoo is healing
Once tegaderm is removed, apply a moisturizing lotion for 5-7 days
Please reach out to us if you have any additional questions!